ALIM Web Help

To Register a New ALIM Web Revision from a ProjectWise Document

When you register a document from ProjectWise to create a new revision in ALIM Web, each of the following rules must apply:
  • The current document revision should not be "change controlled".
  • When ProjectWiseLevel2RevisionAction setting is set to "Only Approved", if the document revision is "Approved", then you may only register the document to the next revision.
  • When ProjectWiseLevel2RevisionAction setting is set to "Revise Always", then a new revision is created regardless of the approval status of the current revision.

Follow these steps to create a new revision and relate it to a project, in ALIM Web.

  1. In ProjectWise, create a new document with a file attached, and specify the Document number and Revision for the configured/mapped attributes, that you selected to represent document number and revision in AssetWise Director. For more information, see "Configuring Default Synchronization Options" in AssetWise Director Help.
    Note: This revision should be the next subsequent revision for an existing document in ALIM Web.
  2. In ALIM Web, open the ProjectWise Explorer in the Navigation pane.
  3. In the navigation tree, select the project that you want to work on.
  4. From the Object menu, select Synchronize Data. The Synchronize Data dialog appears.
  5. Click Create Job. A message appears stating that a job is being created.
  6. When the job is completed, a new document revision is created in ALIM Web, the document number and revision values are taken from the mapped/configured attributes in ProjectWise that are specified in Step 1.
  7. You can expand the Projects topic and Other Revisions topics to view the new revision's relationship to the project.